Being that I see myself writing about technology on here occasionally, I think it's only fair that I disclose what I use on a daily basis. I have not received free products from any company. In all cases, I have either bought these things myself, or received them as Christmas or birthday gifts from friends or family.
Dell Inspiron 1525- 2.1 GHz Intel core 2 duo processor;250 GB hard disk; 4 GB RAM; standard manufacturer's video and sound chips. It's not a beast but it gets the job done.
iPod touch (4th generation)-32 GB hard disk. I read, listen to music, surf the web, play games, do quick writing, and record interviews on this thing. It's a very versatile device. It does lack word prediction features that come standard on most other mobile devices. Fine motor problems also make it difficult for me to pull off the pinching required to zoom in the screen, but that wouldn't affect most people.
Xbox 360-20 GB hard disk. About four years old now. My brother spends more time with this than I do. He absconded with it downstairs almost immediately. We've had to send it in for service once. Of course, this wasn't the red ring of death so it wasn't under warranty. :-( Other than that, it seems to work alright.
Windows 7 home premium- it has all the ideas of Vista but this one actually works.
Mozilla Firefox-who uses Internet Explorer?
Microsoft Office 2007-not the most current version, but it has the ribbon and the blog publishing feature is nice.
OpenOffice 3-just another office solution.
Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10- again, not the most current version, but they said the last one was 99% accurate as well. I can attest but that's not quite true, but it does help. I can't imagine doing my college papers without it. Because of my disability, I'm a hunt and peck typist. The improvement this gives is unbelievable.
Cowriter- word prediction software I use one in my microphone is charging.
Kompozer- I use this to maintain websites. It's not as full-featured as Dreamweaver, but it's free.
movie maker 6- sucks as a media editor, only two layers, but it's free and I'll never actually get anything filmed anyway.
Audacity-great free audio editor
Sims 3- great engine. Bought this to make a machinima. I'm waiting on someone to finish voiceovers. You know who you are. ;-)
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